A Simple Radial Panel for WPF and SilverLight

Geometry was one of the coolest topics in school for me. Probably because it uses a lot of figures to convey the concepts. Here I am trying to explain how we can leverage the Layout system in WPF and Silver light by taking an example of creating a Radial Panel. A RadialPanel lays out its children in a circular fasion. So before going in to the technical details, let us see how this problem get solved algorithmically.If you are asked to arrange a bunch of items in a circular path, what all things would you consider?. 1) How much space do I have? – Say X * Y rectangular area is the available size. 2) I will draw an approximate Circle (Or ellipse) inside the X*Y space. Assuming that the Radii are ‘Rx and Ry' 3) How many items are there to arrange? Say N – number 4) I know that 360 degrees are the total angular space for a circle. So angular distance between each item will be 360/N degrees. 6) I can calculate the coordinate point to which an item should be placed. That is by doing the ...