Show all the System.Windows.Media.Colors using DataBinding

Here is a sample to show all the Colors or even Brushes of WPF System.Windows.Media.Colors class. < ListBox ItemsSource = " {Binding Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource helper}} " ItemTemplate = " {DynamicResource DataTemplate1} " /> Bellow is a function which gives all of its properties as PropertyInfo Collection.(If anybody out here knows a way to eliminate the use of this Helper class, please point that here) public class Helper { public PropertyInfo[] GetPropNames( Type type) { return type.GetProperties(); } } Now you can write an ObjectDataProvider in XAML to call this function and then a DataTemplate to bind the PropertyName to the approapriate Dependancy Property. See the XAML < Window.Resources > < ObjectDataProvider x:Key = " helper " MethodName = " GetPropNames " ObjectType = " {x:Type local:Helper} " > < ...